You obviously have your logo design skills nailed down (hello, graphic designer!) and word of mouth about your gorgeous branding packages is starting to spread. You’re ready to make things business-official. But what about legal for your new graphic design or branding business?
What do you even need to tackle and when? What are the things that could go wrong that you don’t know you need to worry about?
In this episode, we’ll cover:
- Why you should always start your client relationship with an official project proposal, in addition to your client contract
- The one document that will take care of 99.9% of all legal (and client) issues in your graphic design business
- Why it’s super important to spell out how you or your client can end the relationship, and who owns the intellectual property you create
- How to make sure your website isn’t breaking the law
- Some of the most common pitfalls you may encounter when working with an independent contractor (and how to avoid them)
- What you need to know about forming an LLC, staying a sole proprietor, or choosing another corporate entity
- The most important thing to know if you’re incorporating other people’s work into any designs you create for a client
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Project Proposal template:
Client Services contract template:
Website Privacy Policy template:
Website Terms and Conditions template:
Independent Contractor contract template:
Launch Party (AWB website redesign):
This podcast is information, not legal advice specific to your situation.