Learn what copyrights can protect when you should register them, and the benefits EARLY copyright registration provides.
In this episode we'll cover:
- The types of content that can be protected by copyrights
- Why facts and ideas aren't protectable by copyrights (and what you actually can protect instead)
- Why the automatic protection provided by U.S. copyright law isn't as great as it sounds
- The extra benefits of registering your copyrights, and registering them early
- Who owns the copyrights when you create a work as an employee or an independent contractor
- Who can use the © symbol, and how you should be using it the right way
- What type of business should hire a copyright attorney to register their copyright, and who can probably DIY the process
- Who can use © and how you should be using it
Key takeaway: Copyright protections are automatic under US law, but you can't enforce them without taking the time to file a registration. Best practice for your online course is to register them early!
U.S. Copyright Office: www.copyright.gov
Legal Road Map® podcast, episode 8 on fair use: www.awbfirm.com/podcast8
Contract template store: www.awbfirm.com/contract-templates
Legal Road Map® Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/legalroadmap/
This podcast is information, not legal advice specific to your situation.