Have you ever wondered whether you need a patent for your business?
Do you have an idea, invention, method or system you'd like to protect?
Learn the ins and outs of patent law from my friend, patent attorney John DeBoer. In this episode we'll cover:
- The basics about patents + what's protectable
- Why filing your patent application FIRST is critical (spoiler: it doesn't matter if something was your idea first if someone else files first!)
- Some important reasons you should keep your idea to yourself until you're ready to file your patent application
- Why you might want to use an NDA when discussing your idea + what to include in your NDA to make sure it actually protects you
- How much a patent application costs
- Lifetime costs associated with maintaining your patent
- Hurdles you may have to overcome if you want to patent your process or system
BONUS: get your hands on our FREE resource to help you write solid contracts: The 5 terms I think every contract should include. www.awbfirm.com/5terms
John's website: www.rdoip.com
John's contact info: john@rdoip.com, 281-372-6114
Video/slides for this episode: https://www.rdoip.com/blog/2019/9/3/john-deboer-speaks-with-autumn-witt-boyd-about-patent-pitfalls
NDA contract template in AWB Firm Contract Template Store: www.awbfirm.com/contract-templates
This podcast is information, not legal advice specific to your situation.