Legal for course creators: using other people's content in your online course (Legal Road Map® Podcast S4E110)

Learn the best ways to avoid landing in hot water (copyright or trademark infringement) when you use other people's content in your online course.

In this episode we'll cover:

  • The 3 best ways to be able to use other people's content legally 
  • What the "public domain" is and how to navigate it
  • The risky business of using images you find on Google (spoiler: just don't do it!)
  • The tricky side of using images from and on social media platforms
  • What "fair use" is

Key takeaway: Best practice is always to create your own content, but with a little legal legwork and know-how, it can be possible to use other people's content in your online course or business, the right way.


Cornell University public domain chart:

This podcast is information, not legal advice specific to your situation.

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