What Amy Porterfield wishes she’d done sooner in her business (Legal Road Map® Podcast S5E132)

When it comes to online marketing, there’s one name that stands above them all: Amy Porterfield. She worked with some of the biggest names in the business before striking out on her own and growing into a multimillion dollar online course business, now supported by a team of 15.

Amy is a client and friend of the AWB Firm, and in Autumn’s interview with Amy, you’ll get to hear about Amy’s business-building journey (including candid stories about mistakes along the way), working with our firm, growing her team, and why she wishes she’d dealt with legal much earlier in her business.

In this episode, we’ll cover:

  • Why a pivot in your business doesn’t always have to be drastic or even obvious
  • How to recycle your existing content to create a new course or product
  • Why having different avatars for each of your products is crucial to your sales
  • How unprotected trademarks = unprotected revenue streams
  • The unexpected issues that can come up when you start building a team
  • How Amy delegates day-to-day legal matters to her team
  • They key mindset shifts that Amy credits with reaching incredible levels of success
  • And, since we were recording in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, we talked about how it’s affected Amy’s business

BONUS: Are you stuck Googling the answers to what you need legally, and what’s just a good idea to have, before launching your online course? Sign up below to get free access to my masterclass The 3 Legal Protections Your Course Business Is Probably Missing to make sure your online business is digital course-ready. 


AWB Firm COVID-19 / Coronavirus resources page: www.awbfirm.com/covid19 

Amy’s website: www.amyporterfield.com

Amy’s podcast, Digital Marketing Made Easy: https://www.amyporterfield.com/amy-porterfield-podcast/

This podcast is information, not legal advice specific to your situation.


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