BYE 2020: preparing your year-end promotions (S5E163)

Most everyone I know will not shed one single tear when it’s time to bid 2020 farewell. We’re all ready for a new year and a new start after everything that’s been thrown at us this year. But there’s still plenty of opportunity to run a successful year-end promotion in your business.

Going through a launch, running a challenge, or doing a Black Friday/Cyber Monday sale is stressful enough when everything goes right - not to mention when something goes wrong (like your FB ads account gets disabled, no one shows up to your webinar, or you can’t get your ads approved for your sale).

In this episode, we’ll cover:

  • The Facebook ad basics you need to know (especially if your ads keep getting denied)
  • How to break through noise and offer fatigue to make your year-end promotion a success
  • What people are really tired of in 2020
  • Ways to structure your year-end promotions for maximum engagement
  • New Facebook ad limits that are rolling out soon

*Watch the video of this episode at the bottom of the page.

BONUS: If this episode has spotlighted areas of your business’s website that have you worried, now is a great time to make sure your it’s in good shape legally. Download our legal for websites checklist below to make sure your website won’t drag your year-end promotion down!

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Episode 124 of the Legal Road Map® podcast:

Privacy Policy contract template:

Episode 125 of the Legal Road Map® podcast:

This podcast is information, not legal advice specific to your situation.


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