How to build your email list legally (S5E169)

If you’ve been in business for any amount of time, you’ve probably heard about (or seen firsthand) the value in building your email list.

No matter how large a following you may build on a social media platform, that following isn’t owned by you - it’s owned by the platform, and they can change who sees your content on a dime. 

But an email list? That’s all yours! And it can be a great way to get to know your audience and them, you.

But with all the talk about Privacy Policies, GDPR, cookies, and more, how are you supposed to build your list and stay out of legal trouble?

In this episode, we’ll cover:

  • Why email lists have become increasingly valuable in online business
  • Who has to comply with the EU’s GDPR privacy regulations
  • What you need to know about cookies on your website
  • Why you shouldn’t make promises, especially about earnings or weight loss, in your list building freebies or opt-ins
  • Whether or not you need to include an affiliate disclaimer if you’re promoting someone else’s list building challenge

*To watch the video of this episode, scroll to the bottom of the page

BONUS: If you’re starting something new, or this episode has spotlighted areas of your business that have you worried, now is a great time to make sure your business is in good shape legally. Download our free legal checklist below to make sure your business has a strong legal foundation!

Resources mentioned in this episode:

AWB Firm 5 day Prep to Scale™ challenge:

Prep to Scale™ FastTrack:

Jasmine Star’s free Instagram challenge:

Ask by Ryan Levesque:

AWB Coaching quiz:

Amy Porterfield’s list building challenge:

Corinne Crabtree’s free weightloss course:

Privacy Policy contract template:

GDPR guide:

Legal Road Map®  podcast episodes about GDPR:

Legal Road Map® podcast episode 164:

This podcast is information, not legal advice specific to your situation.


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