Virtual Chief Operating Officer (COO). business strategist, and project manager Emily Allen and I discussed how a virtual COO can help your business. Learn how you can stop getting distracted by all those shiny objects and actually meet your goals!
We chatted about why PLANNING is so critical to growing your business to seven- or eight-figures, and why it’s so hard for most entrepreneurs to find the time to do it. Emily explained how a good project manager can help you prioritize which projects are going to help you achieve your big goals, and break them down into pieces so you can actually tackle them, or delegate to team members.
And, we talked about tracking project progress and outcomes to be sure you’re actually achieving what you set out to do.
Emily shared some of the benefits clients gain from working with a virtual COO or project manager, especially making sure you have the right team members in place and are filling their plates with the right tasks.
We talked about when it makes sense to bring in a project manager or virtual COO -- this is not something a new business owner needs, but is critical when moving from six to seven figures.
I gave some insight to the changes I’ve seen in my own business after just a few weeks of working with Emily, and a few of my own a-ha moments. And Emily talked about some mistakes business owners make trying to scale rapidly on their own without bringing in an experienced business strategist.
Emily Allen is a Virtual COO (Chief Operating Officer) for small to medium-sized woman-owned companies that don’t yet require the services of a full-time COO, but have the need for more strategy, more time to work on what they do best, and more structure with systems and processes without giving up more of their time.
Her main focus is on execution. Through working together, she is able to help define/refine the business strategy and provide accountability for execution to the appropriate members of the team.
She ensures that the company's everyday activities run smoothly and that there is a company-wide strategic plan in place to support the vision of the company. Emily brings her experience in business planning and project management from her previous corporate life.
Emily is a wife, mom of 3 kiddos, certified project management professional living in northeastern Wisconsin and loves all things planning and organizing.
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