Why should I register a trademark anyway (Legal Road Map® Podcast S3E68)

We talk a lot about trademarks on the podcast, but you may still be wondering why you would ever need to register a trademark in your business.

While it may seem like a hassle, registering a trademark is one of the most valuable protections you can put in place in your business.

In this episode I cover:

  • The types of things that can be protected by a trademark
  • How a trademark can set you up for success if you ever decide to expand into other states
  • How a registered trademark can save you time and hassle if you ever have to file a lawsuit around your trademark
  • The advantage to registering your trademark if you do business abroad
  • How a trademark can help prevent counterfeiting
  • The value a registered trademark can add to your business if you ever look to sell or take on investment
  • How registering your trademark shows competitors you mean business

Key takeaway: If you’re committed to protecting your business for the long haul, a trademark registration should be on your list.

Additional resources:

Legal Road Map® episode 5: www.awbfirm.com/podcast5

Legal Road Map® episode 6: www.awbfirm.com/podcast6

This podcast is information, not legal advice specific to your situation.

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