Lawyer-turned-Thinkific-CEO, Greg Smith, talks about lessons learned when developing his own online course and shares some of his best tips for course creators who are just getting started.
In this episode we'll cover:
- Greg's best tips to make your online course successful
- The value in proving your concept before pouring countless hours and dollars into what you think your final product needs to be
- What a "takedown notice" is and how it can give you some peace of mind if you worry about having your course content copied or stolen
- The top terms Thinkific recommends you make sure are a part of your course terms of use
- Why you should consider including progress tracking, quizzes, and assignments in your online course
BONUS: get your hands on our FREE resource to help you write solid contracts: The 5 terms I think every contract should include.
FREE Student Engagement Course:
This podcast is information, not legal advice specific to your situation.
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