Legal Guide: GDPR

The AWB Firm Legal Guides

How Your U.S. Website Needs to Change for GDPR

You’ve probably heard about “GDPR,” the European Union’s new General Data Protection Regulation.

And you probably have no idea what you need to do.

GDPR is a new set of rules that went into effect on May 25, 2018 and will change the law in every EU country.

GDPR also requires changes for most U.S. companies with a website.

Even if you don’t think you have EU website visitors or customers, the new law probably still applies to you.

Yes, most U.S. companies have to comply with GDPR!

Are you overwhelmed like I was when I first heard about these new rules and started trying to figure them out?

Never fear, the go-to law firm for online businesses has created a free guide to help you get your online business in shape for the new GDPR rules. Watch our free training and download our checklist for U.S. Businesses.

AWB Firm’s free GDPR Compliance Checklist for U.S. Online & Creative Businesses will explain:

  • Easy changes you need to make in your business NOW to meet the new legal requirements.
  • Major updates for how you must ask for “consent” when asking for an email address and other data on your website and landing pages
  • New rules if your website uses cookies like the Facebook ad pixel and Google analytics
  • How your website privacy policy needs to be updated
  • And a lot more about how your business needs to change how it handles other people’s data.

Figuring out GDPR doesn’t have to be scary, but it will require that you make some changes in your online business.

AWB Firm GDPR Webinar 5-15-2018 from Autumn Witt Boyd on Vimeo.

April 22, 2019 UPDATE One year later - GDPR updates and private policy information for course creators

FB Live 89 S4E83 Legal for Course Creators: Privacy Policies + GDPR from Autumn Witt Boyd on Vimeo.