Membership sites and online communities are some of the most popular business models in the online world. They allow your business (and consistent revenue) to grow quickly and reach more people without necessarily adding more work to your plate.
But to anyone who’s ever seen a discussion around social issues turn ugly, or found your own resources pop up on someone else’s site, you know that there are lots of things that can go wrong in the membership site/ online community business model if you don’t set up the right legal protections.
In this episode, we’ll cover:
- How to avoid legal issues by making good business decisions when you’re getting started
- Best practices for where to include your Terms of Use (TOU) on your website
- What term you should NOT include in your TOU -- to make sure you don’t get taken advantage of when it comes to refunds
- How your TOU can help you address social justice issues like BLM
- What to consider if you have volunteer mentors or moderators in your community or membership
- Whether you should protect your content by registering your copyrights
View the video of this episode at the bottom of the page.
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Contract template store:
Episodes about employees vs. independent contractors:,
Membership or Online Community template bundle:
This podcast is information, not legal advice specific to your situation.