How to safeguard your online course (S5E159)

Online courses are quickly becoming one of the most popular points of entry to the online world. They can cover nearly any topic and the online format makes them accessible to a broader audience. 

Online courses can be a lot of work to put together with many moving parts ranging from copywriting to video editing, which is all the more reason you want to be sure you put the proper legal protections in place.

In this episode, we’ll cover:

  • How to safeguard your business against chargebacks or refund requests
  • How to be sure using social proof (testimonials) from your raving fans won’t land you in legal hot water
  • Why you should use Terms & Conditions for your online course website (even if not required by law)
  • What you need to know about intellectual property ownership when you work with independent contractors who may create graphics, copy, etc., for your course
  • The tricky business of using affiliates to promote your course, plus how you can make things a little less risky for your course business
  • Why it’s so important to make sure no one else is already using the name you choose for your course
  • The differences between ™, ®, and © and where you may want to start using them in your course

*Watch the video of this episode at the bottom of the page.

BONUS: If you’re starting something new, or this episode has spotlighted areas of your business that have you worried, now is a great time to make sure your business is in good shape legally.  Download our free legal checklist below to make sure your business has a strong legal foundation!

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Episode 90 of Legal Road Map® podcast:

Your Legal Course - FREE masterclass:

Online Course Creator bundle:

GDPR-compliant Privacy Policy template:

Terms & Conditions contract template:

Episode 71 of Legal Road Map® podcast:

This podcast is information, not legal advice specific to your situation.



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