We love helping our clients get their legal house in order, but sometimes when we introduce a new service, contract template, or marketing initiative at the AWB Firm, we have to be our own lawyers, too!
We recently hosted our very first 5-day list building challenge that brought up some questions around our terms and conditions, protecting a potential new trademark, rules for giveaways and contests, and more.
In this episode, we’ll cover:
- What you need to make sure you have on your website, so your Facebook ads won’t get rejected
- Why you should use website terms and conditions for your course or challenge, even if it’s not required by law
- The easy (and free!) ways you can begin to protect your intellectual property without having to spend lots of dollars on an official trademark or copyright registration
- How to make sure your giveaways or contests don’t break any laws
*Watch the video of this episode at the bottom of the page.
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Legal Road Map® podcast episodes about Facebook ads:
- Episode 102: https://awbfirm.com/podcast102
- Episode 124: https://awbfirm.com/podcast124
- Episode 125 https://awbfirm.com/podcast125
USPTO website: https://www.uspto.gov/trademarks-application-process/search-trademark-database
This podcast is information, not legal advice specific to your situation.