Running a location-independent business legally (Legal Road Map® Podcast S3E46)

Running a location-independent business is a dream for many entrepreneurs. If you’re already an established, 6-figure+ business thinking of making the move to location independence, legal is not an area you want to DIY.

In this episode I cover:

  • Considerations for choosing the right corporate entity for your location-independent business
  • Where to set up your entity
  • What a registered agent is, and why you might need one, especially if you’re location independent
  • How to handle your business’s address (you usually can’t use a P.O. Box)
  • Why you need to consult with a tax expert
  • Choosing a bank that will work for you, wherever you’re located in the world

Key takeaway: Making sure you have your legal ducks in a row will allow you to truly enjoy the freedom that a location-independent business provides.

This podcast is information, not legal advice specific to your situation.

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