Building and managing a virtual team – Employee benefits (Legal Road Map® Podcast S3E51)

Providing employee benefits is a great way to retain talented employees for the long-haul, but as an employer what is your responsibility and what rules and regulations do you have to follow?

In this episode I cover:

  • Vacation and PTO, and when rules and regulations kick in
  • Which state you must consider when offering vacation and/or PTO
  • Sick leave and family leave, and what jurisdiction’s rules and regulations might apply
  • The level of responsibility required when setting up a retirement plan for your employees
  • Important considerations for health, disability, and life insurance

Key takeaway: As a small business owner, there are many ways you can provide important employee benefits to make sure your employees are taken care of and protected in their personal lives, but you also need to make sure that you’re providing benefits in a way that protects you and your business, so be sure to consult with a qualified benefits provider.

Additional Resources: 

IRS guidance on providing benefits

Department of Labor resource on fiduciary responsibilities

Department of Labor info on FMLA

Melissa Curtis - Woodall Agency Insurance- life, disability and long-term care insurance agent

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This podcast is information, not legal advice specific to your situation.

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